When watching the news last night I was struck by what a psychologist said about keeping ourselves well in times of lockdown. The doctor on the telly referred to four things. When she mentioned the four things I was immediately reminded of a verse in the Gospel of Luke where the same four things are mentioned with regards to living and growing well. Luke wrote these words about Jesus 2,000 years ago and they are still so helpful for us today as we live in lockdown. Luke writes, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and people.” Luke 2 v 52. So four things from one verse about Jesus with regards well-being to apply to our lives:
1. Jesus 'grew in wisdom.' Jesus grew ‘Intellectually.' Reading good books is essential to our intellectual well-being. Of course reading the Bible is the best thing to do everyday. I highly recommend Nicky Gumbel’s ‘Bible in One Year’ daily reading plan. Following this Bible reading plan you read the entire Bible in one year. You can have it emailed to you or there is an App. ‘Bible in One Year’…. check it out and grow in wisdom.
2. Jesus ‘grew in stature.’ Jesus grew physically well. To grow well physically we need to exercise. Going out for a walk and getting fresh air is a daily necessity for physical well-being. There are also numerous free online exercise routines to help us stay fit. ‘Fitness Blender’ is a very good one. It’s free and has a range of fitness exercises from very gentle, to full on workouts. ’Tabata’ is for the very fit! Whatever you choose to do get daily exercise.
3. Jesus ‘grew in favor with God.’ Jesus grew spiritually. There is nothing more spiritually beneficial than spending uninterrupted time with our Father in heaven. We should all be following Jesus’s example and making time every day to wait on God asking him to fill us with the Holy Spirit. Remember, with just the Word we dry up. With just the Spirit we blow up. But with Word and Spirit in balance we grow up spiritually and well.
4. Jesus ‘grew in favor with people.’ Jesus grew socially. Luke underlines the importance of social interaction with other people for our well-being. Unfortunately, this is especially difficult in these times of lockdown. Therefore, we need to be pro-active in staying in touch with family, friends and the people we know. Phone calls, FaceTime online chats, Zoom are all available. Please feel free to be in touch with me or Kate anytime during these lockdown days especially if you’re in need of a chat. Tune into Night Prayer each evening at 8pm on our FB Page which Elizabeth Kendall is organizing (happy blessed birthday Elizabeth:). There’s also the online Sunday Service at 10am on Youtube to watch. And of course when we can re-gather come to church and enjoy social interaction and fellowship.