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Cedar Centre

New Vicar for Cedar Centre

It is with much pleasure that we announce that the Reverend Daniel Sahayam has recently accepted the offer by Bishop Ross to be the next Vicar of the Parish of Birkdale and Beach Haven (Cedar Centre). Reverend Daniel is currently at St. Johns College and we are looking forward to him starting early in the month of July. He sends the following greeting to us:

"I am Rev'd Daniel Sahayam, a fourth-generation Fijian of Indian descent. I have been married to Kathrine Kalyani for 33 years and have two adult boys, Richy (32) and Samson (28) who both reside in Fiji. I have been ordained as an Anglican Priest in the Diocese of Polynesia for 14 years to date. I am passionate about working with people in a ministry called by God to fulfil his commandments by sprea

ding the love and the good news of the Gospel. My wife, Kathrine, is a former kindergarten teacher who loves engaging with children. At present she is involved at St Philips Anglican Church in St. Heliers Bay with Mainly Music. I am completing my degree (B.Th Programme) this coming June and embarking on the mission field to be with my people. I wish to see you all soon.

God bless and Happy Easter

Revd Daniel."

Please join me in acknowledging and thanking our nominators who worked so well in making this appointment happen - Julia Masters, Rebecca Haggit and Becky Iona.

Te Aroha Nui, Villiers

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