I do hope you will make it a '1st Priority' and come along on:
Tuesday July 27, 7pm to 8pm in the foyer of the Cedar Centre.
‘I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:12-14). Paul wrote those words from a prison cell, shackled to a Roman guard awaiting his execution. Paul’s circumstances were grim. In this situation Paul could’ve easily reverted to looking backwards, being anxious, navel-gazing and even self-pity. However, he chooses to ‘forget what is behind’ and instead look to the future. He chooses to 'press on’ giving his strength to seeking and knowing Christ’s presence, plan and purposes. In a similar way the good crew at the Cedar Centre have been through some difficult times recently. We may not be in a prison cell or been beaten up by Roman soldiers but as a church there have been and continue to be, stormy waters to cross and challenging times to negotiate. Therefore, there is no better time than now to follow Paul’s example and attitude. As a church community we’re going to ‘press on’ looking to the future and ’take hold’ of Christ Jesus’ plans, presence and purposes by praying together. '1st Priority' is a wonderful opportunity for us all to get together and pray for the community, the future, the ministries, the world and for one another. I do hope you will make it a '1st Priority' and come along on:
Tuesday July 27, 7pm to 8pm in the foyer of the Cedar Centre.
Arohanui Warren