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Light in the midst of darkness

Cedar Centre

Over the past week more bad news has hit our screens. The volcanic eruption near Tonga has caused widespread damage. The continuing threat of Omicron. Wars and rumors of wars. However, in the midst of the bad news, the Good News of Jesus Christ shines through. As Jesus once famously said, “In this world you will have trouble. But be of good cheer I have overcome the world.” I believe that Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II is someone who lives out and witnesses to the Good News even in the midst of trouble. On Christmas Day this year she said, “The birth of Jesus marked a new dawn with endless potential. His teachings have been handed down from generation to generation and have been the bedrock of my faith.” In another recent message she said, “Only a few acknowledged Jesus when he was born. Now billions follow him. The message of Jesus is never out of date and is needed as much as ever. Billions find in him the guiding light for their lives. I am one of them.”

The Queen was pointing to another Kingdom that Jesus came to establish and which he will come again to rule. Let’s follow the Queen’s example of following and trusting Jesus even in the midst of trouble. We may have family problems. We may know people in Tonga. We may be facing health issues. Whatever trouble you're in, keep following Jesus and keep praying "Your Kingdom Come. Kia whakapaingia Te Atua."

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(09) 483 6989

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